## ============================================================================
## Isosurfaces of viscosity at a selected time point in a tidal flat area
## data Sylt3D is part of package OceanView
## it contains variables in sigma coordinates that have to be transformed
## first - an example of the help file of Sylt3D
## implemented by Karline Soetaert
## ============================================================================
it <- 1
sigma <- Sylt3D$sigma[,,,it]
visc <- Sylt3D$visc [,,,it]
(D <- dim(sigma)) # x, y, z
depth <- seq(max(sigma[,,D[3]], na.rm = TRUE),
max(sigma[,,1 ], na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 30)
# viscosity in sigma coordinates
visc_sig <- mapsigma(visc, sigma, depth = depth,
x = Sylt3D$x, y = Sylt3D$y, resfac = 3)
# create and plot the isosurfaces - plot at the end
isosurf3D(visc_sig$x, visc_sig$y, -visc_sig$depth, colvar = visc_sig$var,
level = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.015), col = c("red", "blue", "green"),
scale = FALSE, expand = 0.1, ticktype = "detailed",
main = "viscosity", clab = "m2/s", alpha = 0.5,
plot = FALSE, colkey = list(side = 1))
persp3D(x = Sylt3D$x, y = Sylt3D$y, z = -Sylt3D$depth,
border = "black", col = "white", add = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
plotdev(phi = 30)
# try:
# plotrgl(lighting = TRUE)
# cutrgl() # use mouse to select a region..