## ============================================================================
## Code to produce a temperature-salinity plot
## implemented by Karline Soetaert
## ============================================================================
S.seq <- seq(from = 30, to = 38, length.out = 100)
t.seq <- seq(from = -5, to = 30, length.out = 100)
sig.mat <- outer(S.seq, t.seq, FUN = function(S, t) sw_dens(S = S, t = t) - 1000)
contour2D(x = S.seq, y = t.seq, z = sig.mat, lwd = 2,
xlab = "Salinity, psu", ylab = "Temperature, dgC",
main = "Sigma, p = 0 dbars")
# Measurements:
t <- c(10.119, 4.036, 13.062, -0.579, 21.602, 2.984,
24.836, 0.111, 14.954)
S <- c(34.7130, 33.7890, 35.5660, 33.6816, 36.5660, 34.5210,
36.4310, 32.8912, 35.9200)
sigma <- sw_dens(S = S, t = t) - 1000
scatter2D(S, t, colvar = sigma, pch = 18, cex = 2, add = TRUE,
clim = range(sig.mat), colkey = FALSE)
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