Hycom temperature
## =============================================================================
## Plotting output of a hydrodynamic model - assume files have been downloaded
## Surface values and 2 transects
## implemented by Karline Soetaert
## =============================================================================
# Read the data - manually downloaded
url <- "ftp://ftp.hycom.org/datasets/ATLd0.08/expt_09.1/data/2d/archv.2006123100_2d.nc"
Nc <- open.nc("archv.2006123100_2d.nc")
lat <- var.get.nc(Nc, "Latitude")
lon <- var.get.nc(Nc, "Longitude")
tmix <- var.get.nc(Nc, "mixed_layer_temperature")
Nc3 <- open.nc("archv.2006123100_3zt.nc")
depth <- var.get.nc(Nc3, "Depth")
temp <- var.get.nc(Nc3, "temperature")
layout(matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, data = c(rep(c(1, 1, 1, 2), 3), 3, 3, 3, 4)))
pm <- par("mar")
clim <- c(-5, 30)
image2D(x= lon, y = lat, z = tmix, col = jet2.col(100), shade = 0.1, #rasterImage = TRUE,
main = "HYCOM ATLd0.08 temperature", colkey = FALSE, clim = clim,
xlab="", ylab ="", clab = "m/s", NAcol = grey(0.4))
ix <- 902
iy <- 902
abline(h = lat[iy])
abline(v = lon[ix])
# transect
par(mar = pm + c(0, 0, -2, 0))
image2D(temp[,iy,], col = jet2.col(100), x = lon, y = depth,
ylim = rev(range(depth)), xlab = "", ylab = "",
main = expression(paste("39.4" , degree*N)),
NAcol = grey(0.4), resfac = 2, clim = clim, colkey = FALSE)
par(mar = pm + c(0, -2, 0, 0))
image2D(t(temp[ix,,]), col = jet2.col(100), y = lat, x = depth,
xlim = rev(range(depth)), xlab = "", ylab = "",
main = expression(paste("25.9" , degree*W)), ,
NAcol = grey(0.4), resfac = 2, clim = clim, colkey = FALSE)
par(mar = pm)
colkey(clab = expression(degree*C), clim = clim, length = 0.8)
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